Why do Soldiers Wear Goggles?

Why Do Soldiers Wear Goggles?

  • Better vision at night
  • Eye protection from dust and debris
  • Reduces combat/tactical eye injury
  • Wide field of view

When soldiers are out there on the battlefield, they need to protect themselves from their enemies and the general environment as much as they can. Goggles are a must-have gear for soldiers whenever they are out on a mission.

They provide reliable eye protection during air assault missions and offer much-needed ballistic protection. Soldiers also wear goggles with night vision technology that helps them see clearly when they are on duty at night.

Let’s now take a deeper look at how beneficial googles are to soldiers.

Eye protection

Googles that are designed for military applications are specially made to provide much-needed eye protection. They protect the soldiers’ eyes from dust, wind, harmful sun rays, and flying projectiles.

Reduces combat eye injury

A good pair of goggles should help protect the Soldier’s vision in a combat situation. It should also help minimize the severity of the combat eye injuries in case the soldier gets hit on their eyes.

Better vision at night

Soldiers wear night-vision goggles which help them see clearly at night. These goggles use night vision technology that helps you see different objects clearly in the dark. They help to increase situation awareness which is important for the soldiers to stay safe. Besides, night vision goggles give the soldiers a better depth perception.

Wide field of view

Modern goggles for military use are designed to provide and wide and clear field of view. This is important for the soldiers as it helps them spot distant enemies or objects with ease. A wide field of view is also important for tracking targets that have been shot.

When to wear goggles?

Soldiers are issued with a pair of goggles when they are out there on the battlefield. While some soldiers opt to have the goggles on their helmets, this shouldn’t be the case.

They are offered this piece of gear so they can get total eye protection from different elements and debris -especially small sand particles.

Fogging is a common issue that most soldiers suffer from when they wear goggles. Most time, goggles tend to fog up a lot when the person wearing them sweats a lot and breathes heavily as well.

Therefore, if you will be engaged in activities that leave you sweating a lot or breathing heavily, they might not be a great option.

On the other hand, if you’ll be in regions that are so sandy and hot, you’ll need to put on the goggles to protect your eyes from the sand particles and harmful UV sun rays.

You would rather keep cleaning the googles from fog every now and then, and not risk getting sand particles in your eyes. Moreover, you wouldn’t want to risk damaging your eyesight by exposing your eyes to harmful sun rays.

Check out the best Military goggles on


Final Thoughts

Goggles are a must-have protective gear for soldiers whenever they are out on the battlefield. Military goggles come with a modern design that protects the soldiers’ eyes from all angles and from all external elements without getting foggy.

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